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7 Top Digital Marketing Growth Hacks- Use To Rank Your Website Top On The Google

Today our world is shifting towards digital marketing and not this industry is growing at a rapid pace. You all know the trends in the digital market are changing regularly. Every year businesses are coming up with new ideas and improving marketing strategies.

Today all the companies are providing their important information through the web and like discount offers, rebate schemes, new facilities and much more. Therefore this type of content should be suitable for web search engines (for example Google). 

You all know Google is a very important platform for digital content marketing where users can publish their stuff or content easily. But whenever their content fulfills the SEO guideline then their website or content sheet is ranked on the first page of Google. 

Digital marketing hacks are some important tools helping their users to make user-friendly content with the fulfillment of SEO guidelines.

Let’s take a look at some effective and simple hacks that marketers are using these top marketing hacks to make sure their website ranks higher on SERP (search engine result page). after using these digital marketing growth hacks your website will be able to capture much traffic.  

Top Digital Marketing Growth Hacks With Full Discussion

1. Optimizing E-mail Strategy

You should know that roughly 80% of marketers have reported an increase in their email engagement over a year. Email marketing has the highest ROI (return on investment) for small businesses. This is a very important and amazing statistic for small businesses that they can improve their capabilities by using this digital marketing hack.

The most effective tool is the ability to make your email marketing tips should be different to match your customer base. Marketers are frequently (constantly) using the vacation (sabbatical) season to offer incentives to their customers or buyers, like discount codes or rebates.

The number two  digital marketing hack is the AIDA formula which  is given below:

2. Using The AIDA Formula 

    The full form of AIDA is Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. 

  • Awareness: to give a full description that you have a solution to solve their problems.
  • Interest: whenever people show their interest then they must access information about your company.
  • Decision: should sell your product as the real solution to their problem.
  • Action: after that, the customer must decide to buy your product.

This strategy is well on almost all digital marketing channels to grab the readers’ attention and make them desire their product or services. The above formula is working continuously and it gives fair results to businesses.

3. Embracing Video Marketing

This is a top digital marketing hack for videos. Through it, videos become a driving force of the digital marketing world and this is a very powerful way to improve sales base and links also. There is a fact that videos account for nearly 82% of customers’ interest traffic.

Live and Broadband videos are the two most popular trends within the digital marketing industry. Through it, we can engage their audience with visual content.

In video making, the company should have a good Influencer with good communication skills and he should have the ability to make demands of your product. Big budget companies can hire facilities of successful film stars, Youtubers, motivational speakers, other reputed celebrities, etc to promote their products. 

This is good that video content sessions which are provided by digital marketers can be able to provide connection to more and more people and allows the audience to be a part of their conversation by calling in or by chatting during the live session.

To generate more traffic for your websites, you should create good content which must give full solutions to any problem and contain researched stuff.  

For getting more views, subscriptions, and likes, you should Optimize the video on YouTube with relevant keywords. This will increase the chances of your video getting more attraction. You should pay extra attention to the video title and your title should be unique and engaging.

4. Creating Novel Content

“Creating Novel Content” is a very important marketing hack that helps to make strong content. The general meaning of novel content is “creative and rational content”. Therefore businesses should provide blogs, e-books, and videos with rationality, so, the readers may engage with your website and give their own opinion or viewpoint via polls, quizzes, and content. 

You should update your content from time to time because it is important that every reader read only updated news. You should timely make changes to your content and should remove expiring content to make your content viewer friendly.

 Examples of expiring content can be discount codes, time-bounded discount offers, rebates, etc. We should remove these types of promotional content on time. When you do not remove your content timely then it affects your reputation and goodwill.

5. Recognizing The Difference Between Marketing

Branding is the act of connecting a product or service with a particular name, symbol, or features and ideas to make it recognizable. (by Cambridge Dictionary). Branding gives boosts to your business and makes its acceptability, trust, and goodwill. So, a brand can be luxurious, passionate, tasty, fun, innovative, caring, professional, safe, and trustworthy. But these things, are depended upon the goodwill of your product and services.

On other hand, marketing is related to making a demand for any product through audio-video content. It is originally started to boost the sale of any product or service in different ways to increase the profitability of any business.

In nutshell, branding is to make a reputation of a company but marketing is an act that improves companies revenue or turnover. Therefore branding related content should contain companies’  business ideas and product quality or reliability of services etc. But marketing related content should contain companies day to day facilities, new offers, and special holiday.

6.  Should Use Local Services Ads (LSAs) To Increase Your Reach

LSAs ads are just similar to Google ads, but in reality, these are two different things. When you want to know about their effectiveness in promoting your products or facilities, so, these LSAs are very powerful tools for small workers and craft workers to build their reach.

 After taking LAS’s digital marketing facility, they will charge on pay-per-lead ads that have now begun popping up at the top of Google search results. LSAs are slowly gaining ground smoothly and giving their facilities to small markets as well.

Currently, they are focusing on home services providers, such as electricians, locksmiths, painters, plumbers, and house clearing. If you are a provider of these services this is time to use LSAs. After using these marketing hacks you will definitely increase your reach.

7.  Being Smart With SEO

You should know that SEO is a more important tool when any business wants to index its website on Google.  This is a top digital marketing hack for accomplishing SEO guidelines. You should know that SEO trends are changing day by day. Therefore content should be created by these businesses or marketing agencies accordingly.

When you want to succeed with your SEO strategy, you need to create research-based authentic content therefore your website should be ranked on Google and you can be able to capture traffic on your web.


I have discussed all the top digital marketing hacks which can help you to produce or publish powerful content which can get placed on the first page of Google search. We know every content marketing or digital marketing agency wants more and more traffic on its website. So, increasing traffic can increase these companies’ wealth. After using these marketing hacks techniques these websites can earn profit and make themselves acceptable. Through top digital marketing hack, many digital marketing companies are earning much profit.

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