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Essential Tips for Students Applying to Law School

Law is notorious for being one of the most challenging fields to study for. Students are expected to retain vast quantities of information and access relevant facts with precision and ease. If you are currently a student hoping to sit the entrance exam for law school, you will need to be well prepared for the challenges ahead. Here are some of the most essential tips that will help you to set yourself up for success in applying to law school and pursuing your studies into the future.

Envision Your Path from the Start

Since there are so many varied paths to choose from once you have been accepted into law school, it is important that any prospective students have a clear idea of how they want their studies and future career to pan out. This will help you to focus your attention in the best areas and train towards your goals. Of course, you don’t need to be one hundred percent certain about the kind of law you want to study as this can easily change the more you learn about the field; however, a solid understanding of the path ahead is valuable at an early stage.

Grasp the Curriculum Early

Learn as much as you possibly can about the curriculum you will participate in should you be accepted into law school. In some cases, you can check on the school’s website or get in touch with various program leaders, who can provide more detailed information about what will be taught. Find out what the basic criteria will be, including core texts, and try your best to get ahead by preparing long before being accepted by the school. This will not only help you once you are officially a law student but will also make you a more attractive candidate when applying to schools.

Accept Incremental Improvement

For many high achievers, it is difficult to face setbacks when it comes to striving toward a goal. Grow accustomed to momentary failures and see them as stepping stones rather than obstacles. Often, students don’t notice their progress since it develops gradually over time. Overcome this by understanding how progress works and not beating yourself up over minor setbacks, as this can prevent you from succeeding overall. For example, if you take a practice LSAT exam and are initially disappointed with your results, continue trying until you are able to face the real exam with more confidence. Many students get caught up in the desire to be perfect immediately, and this can lead to intense frustration when they occasionally fail. Learn to accept that ongoing effort and incremental improvements are just as valuable as huge leaps forward. If it helps, take note of your smaller tasks and goals then acknowledge each small victory as it happens, such as completing a particular book or taking a practice test.

Read Everything

Law students are expected to read huge amounts throughout their studies, so it is useful to get ahead by reading as much as possible from the curriculum even before being accepted. You may not have access to the updated and current reading lists, but there is no harm in laying a solid foundation of knowledge with essential texts from previous year groups as there is often overlap. Get into the habit of reading frequently and testing yourself on the knowledge you’ve gained so that your brain becomes more skilled at information retention.

Plan Your Time

Being able to efficiently manage your time should already be a top priority for you as a student, but if you are hoping to be accepted into law school then you will need to be extra vigilant about how you use every minute. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you will need to be fully focused and constantly reading at every hour of the day, but it does mean breaking your days, weeks, and months into sensible blocks so that you can allocate time for everything you need to prepare, such as reading, practicing tests, filling out applications, and attending interviews.

Furthermore, don’t forget the importance of high-quality rest. Many students put a lot of pressure on themselves to fill every waking moment with intense study; however, well-used downtime is essential to caring for your health and priming yourself for success.

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