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What to Look for in a Teaching Degree?

Teaching degrees are incredibly important in today’s education. Without qualified teacher status (QTS), you aren’t allowed to teach in the vast majority of schools. To get QTS, you first need to have a degree. Over the past few weeks and months, you might have been searching for the right teaching degree for. If you’ve not had any luck, you’ve come to the right place. Looking for (and finding) a good teaching degree isn’t as difficult or stressful as you might imagine. In fact, it’s incredibly easy when you know the factors to look out for. Are you eager to learn more? Great. Here’s exactly what you need to look for in a teaching degree this decade.

A Career-specific Subject

Currently, you probably have a specific teaching career set out in your brain. For instance, you might want to work in a middle school. Or alternatively, you might want to work in an elementary school – it’s purely down to your personal and professional preferences. Whatever the case, you should choose a teaching degree based on your career goals.

Suppose an individual wants to teach a specific subject in an elementary school. In that case, the best option is to study a single-subject program that prepares them to teach mathematics, science, or another of their preferred subjects! There are many teaching degrees out there, so make sure you choose the one that’s right for you.

Remote Learning

If you’re already a busy adult with another job and commitments, you might not be free to study full-time for your teaching degree. When this is the case, it’s important to look for a teaching degree that offers remote learning (e-learning).

Remote learning is when you complete your course online from home. In this situation, you don’t need to attend any on-campus lectures, seminars, or one-to-ones physically. Instead, everything is done over the internet. Naturally, this is great for the individuals who simply don’t have the time or resources to study on campus. While working from home, you can still have access to all the tools and devices you need. Currently, Chromebooks are very popular with mature students.


Another element to look out for in a teaching degree is flexibility. A flexible learning schedule is great for a number of reasons, including:

  • You can work around your existing schedule
  • The degree won’t overtake your life
  • Lower costs

Not all universities offer flexible teaching degrees. However, in an age where there are now millions of mature students, more universities have started making flexible degrees available to those who want them.

Work Experience

Last but not least, make sure to look for work experience options that come with your teaching degree.

For example, one university might have excellent connections with nearby middle schools, which means they can send learner students there on placements. Usually, these work experience placements will involve interaction with real students in real learning environments – which is an excellent opportunity to boost your existing skills.

If a teaching degree doesn’t offer work experience, it doesn’t have to be a deal breaker. However, it’s definitely something that you should look out for if you want the most valuable experience possible.

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